Celebrating International Women’s Day in Trinidad

Published: Mar 19, 2024


On March 11, women from diverse positions throughout our Trinidad operations convened for a unique luncheon commemorating International Women's Day and celebrating the women at Nutrien who steadfastly champion inclusion in their everyday tasks.

“In addition to celebrating the remarkable women who contribute to Nutrien inspire us daily, we were keen to make this event an opportunity to foster collaboration and spark discussions to deepen mutual acquaintance,” explains Melissa Rampersad-Jagmohan, Administrative Assistant in Trinidad’s engineering department.



Elizabeth West-Toolsee, Senior Manager (Ag) - Engineering and Technical Services shared the history of International Women's Day and the essential role that women play in the workplace. What really made this even special was the lively word unscrambling game coordinated by Nicola Welch, Engineer, and the prizes from our Model Farm, curated by Josanne Basanoo, Engagement Coordinator. “As I had the opportunity to wrap up the event, it gave me the opportunity to express gratitude, and echo the wisdom of Maya Angelou that our actions towards others reflect the profound impact we have on one another every day” says Melissa. “It was important to me to stress that our daily interactions mold the organizational culture and call on everyone to uplift, support and empower each other not only on occasions like International Women’s Day, but every day.”
